Wednesday, August 15, 2012


(Blood Cell Before and After Treatment)


Bioenergy (Distance healing)

Work on People and Animals

 Treatment with magnets
 new alternative Therapy in Canada

Therapy based on biomagnetic pairing 

Developed by Dr. Isaac Goitz named Biomagnetismo  

Therapeutic systems that through the implementation of magnets of a particular strength and polarity check specific points of the body using muscle testing through the feet. All this body point are already implement by Dr. Isaac Goiz system and the purpose is to exterminate time soon, viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites that are the cause of most serious ailments of human body and the goal is to achieve a balance Bioenergetic and Ph of the body.
Study detects, classifies, measures and corrects the disorders of PH (Potential Hydrogen) of living beings, by the magnetic field that the magnets created, for that purpose Dr. Isaac Goiz us fitted with a body map, which outlined points or Par biomagnetico (discovered by him in 1988) in which they were applying magnets.
The method works by forcing the charges toward the inside of the organism so the charges neutralize themselves. Once the magnets have been applied it is necessary to wait for one week to see results. Glandular dysfunction and alteration may be corrected. Once the tissue has suffered degeneration or destruction, it cannot be regenerated with Biomagnetismo. This therapy differs from other forms of medicine, by going to the source of the disease, without the need of laboratory testing also does not produce iatrogenia (disease produced as a side effect of medical treatment)
As in medicine nothing can be left to chance, Dr. Isaac Goiz has given us the name of the microorganism and disease that can cause depending on where it has been settled. With this information the therapist is able to recognize a disease, although this has not presented the symptoms of the disease themselves but also the therapist is not allow to make any diagnose with exemption of medical doctors that practice Biomagnetismo

Is practice by 2 level biomagnetismo therapists on deepest energy levels allowing the therapist to connect with the patient body in energy levels like emotional and also practice distance healing

Through the biomagnetismo & Bioenergy regulating and correcting the infectious diseases caused by viruses and bacteria provides benefits such as:
  • Increased blood circulation.
  • Increasing the partial pressure of oxygen.
  • Increased collagen synthesis (substance that binds all tissues of the body).
  • It increases the synthesis of RNA (ribonucleic acid).
  • Stimulates osteoblastosis, accelerate the reform of bones affected.     
  • It helps the assimilation of calcium in bones descaling.
  • Increase leukocytes modifying immunoglobulins by stimulating the body's immune system.
  • Stimulates proteinogénesis (Formation of proteins in the tissues of the body most important, as the heart
  • better Quality of live specially when are very strong illness

Effectiveness of this therapy
Therapy that have been proven through many testimonies beneficial in aiding: Cancer, HIV, Asthma, Sinus, Allergies, Headaches, Depression, Lactose Intolerance, Lupus, High Blood Pressure, Immune Suppression, Postoperative Surgery, Glandular Disorders, Sleep& amp; Skin Disorders, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Fibromyalgia, Back Pain, and Pain Related Disorders to name just a few.
Have so far been treated at approximately more than 3.000,000 patients worldwide, with truly startling results. There are over 4000 professionals who are engaged in the practice of biomagnetismo in several countries and all of them have obtained favorable results for their patients, which is not only a forceful proof of the effectiveness of biomagnetismo, but also allows us to conclude that every day more people recognize the virtues of this amazing therapy

The side effects
Is an external therapy mean is non invasive, which does not require medical instrumentation or medication and therefore do not cause any side effect. But it may or will initiate a detox process in your body, you may feel some fatigue, headache, flu like symptoms, nausea, muscle aches or emotional changes the days following your treatment. This is a natural process and each individual is different in their experience.

To begin the muscle testing on the feet of the patient, the person must lay on his/her back with their feet hanging at the end of a non-metallic table. Not sandals or high hills just running shoes or alike that are well adjusted to the feet should be on at all times and the patient should wear light clothes (pants recommended) and just relax. Setting time of the magnets on areas of the body to be treated, in North America is 30 minutes, plus 20 min scanning. Session should be at least 7 days apart in order to give time to the body to heal or balance in harmony.

Suggestions after the treatment
Change your toothbrush y Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help your body flush out impurities and get some rest. Listen to your body in terms of what you want to eat. Do not stop any medication, when you visit your dr. he will suggest changes on it. Because the Biomagnetismo & bionenergy are considered an alternative therapies does not pretend to replace any conventional medical treatment and can be used just as a support.

Duration of treatment
It is above all determined by the commitment that acquires the patient follow instructions from the trafficker, being the first to determine the type of pathology and the last to check the optimal level of treatment. . In most cases with 3 sessions accomplish what the body is ready to heal at that moment. It is noteworthy that age, type of treatment that had previously, medication and the level has reached the disease, if they are important factors for determining the number of meetings at which the patient must undergo.

The cost of treatment is similar to other therapies like Reiki, Aromatherapy, Reflexology even if most believe that does not require any medication

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